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White Paper: Unlocking the True Value of Encryption and Key Management Modes

This white paper continues the discussion of holistically integrating security into the design of a secure SSD device by:

1. Clearly articulating the fundamentals of encryption and key classifications, thereby demystifying a highly complex subject for the typical systems architect with no specialized security training

2. Clarifying various encryption key management mode strategies for DAR protection, while highlighting relevant use-case scenarios for each strategy

3. Providing a simple, easy-to-use framework to guide the reader towards the optimal key management mode strategy

It is also important to note that there is no universal key management mode strategy that is ideal for every military data storage application. Only by understanding the mechanics of the various key management mode methodologies can the military system architect choose the optimal strategy for each particular mission or program.

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Webinar: Technology advancements in data storage and system interfaces for high-speed data recording

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Military-Grade Secure Solid State Drives Part 3: Diamonds are Forever; Encryption Lasts Longer
Military-Grade Secure Solid State Drives Part 3: Diamonds are Forever; Encryption Lasts Longer

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